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Creating A Successful Strategy For TikTok Marketing

Creating A Successful Strategy For TikTok Marketing

“Approximately 87.1% of marketers are using Facebook alone for business marketing, making it the most popular choice of social media. Instagram comes in second place with 75.3%, while Twitter is third with a consistent 66.5%. TikTok  is also entering the scene with promising potential along with a different strategy for TikTok marketing.”

These three seem to be the hottest platforms for marketing right now, with YouTube, Snapchat, and Pinterest following closely behind.

However, that’s not all there is to social media marketing. The marketing strategy for TikTok is also entering the scene with promising potential. Businesses have yet to saturate this platform, providing you a good opportunity to be free of competitors. The best part is that’s only one of the many TikTok marketing advantages for businesses on social media.

Marketing Strategy for TikTokTik: Advantages That Can Help Boost Your Business


TikTok Provides a Huge Audience

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms, with 800 million active users. This earns it a spot below Instagram, which has around 1 billion active users. It’s the seventh most-used social app in the world, putting it above Snapchat and Twitter at 12th and 13th place respectively.

Businesses are already on these two apps, so what’s stopping them from being on TikTok when it has more users than Snapchat and Twitter combined? They are missing out on a huge audience by not being on TikTok. If your target market is between 16 to 24 years old, it is absolutely vital that you launch on this platform. This demographic comprises the majority the app, making up 41% of the users.

Many marketers make the mistake of thinking it’s only a fad, but the 800 million users don’t agree. Instagram started with teens and young adults as well, and now millions of businesses are on it.

TikTok is Everywhere in the World

The U.S., India, and China account for the most downloads of TikTok, but that’s not to say that it isn’t popular in other countries. It still has a solid standing in over 150 countries worldwide. What does this mean for you? It means you have a chance to reach out to your social media market on a global scale.

For businesses in many locations, it’s a good way to localize their marketing strategies. They can create campaigns in different languages to relate to their various markets. They can also enlist the help of local creators as TikTok has influencers too.

Local Influencers Are Still Relevant

Users with 10,000 followers and above are considered micro-influencers. Their area of influence is usually within their own city, so they can be a huge part of a local marketing campaign.

They make it possible for small businesses to be on TikTok. These local influencers are preferable because they can interact with the businesses they work with in person. It’s easier to collaborate this way, and you can be sure that you can target the right people.

You Get to Enter an Unsaturated Platform

Looking at the list of the most popular social apps, we see Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and such. All of which are full of brands trying to connect with their customers. Do you know which one is still unsaturated? TikTok Marketing.

Marketers are focusing on the mentioned platforms right now, and they’re still not seeing that the pros outweigh the cons on TikTok. If you ask them to choose between TikTok and Twitter or TikTok and Instagram, they’ll always choose the latter. After all, they’re more established in the social media scene.

When you count the businesses that are already there, you’ll see there’s a huge gap between user base and brands. That’s where you come in. You take advantage of that gap and launch now, when you still have less competition. The fewer businesses on the platform, the higher the chances you have to get a wider reach. You can get a higher user engagement this way. It’s easier to cement your place here before all the others realize its potential and come flocking.

TikTok Advantages Lie in Their Ads

Aside from the hashtag challenges and videos you can publish on the app, you can also pay to get a prime spot in TikTok. This allows you to increase your reach to users who might not be following you yet.

Ads are kind of new on TikTok, which is part of the reason why we haven’t seen many advertisers around. Still, the options are enough to get you started. They’re customizable, as you can target who you want and how you want.

In-Feed Video

Your ad shows as another post on the feed of your target users. This works the same way as Instagram or Snapchat. This type of ad has several features, such as allowing the user to go straight into your website, or your app download page with one click. It lasts for 15 seconds or less, but users can skip it if they want to.

Brand Takeover

This lets your ad take over the entire screen for a few seconds. You can choose to display a static or dynamic image, video, or GIF for three to five seconds. Like in an in-feed video, you can embed a link that leads to a landing page and put hashtags. TikTok has AR content, stickers, and lenses that users can put in their videos. In this type of ad, you let the users incorporate your brand into their content.

It Allows for an Anti-Marketing Marketing Strategy

People don’t like advertisements in general. They skip them whenever possible and they block ads on websites using tools.

That’s because ads tend to feel invasive. They think an ad disrupts what they’re doing, whether they’re watching a video or scrolling. One way to make your ad feel less invasive is to make the users feel like the video is a part of the platform. TikTok Marketing is great for this, as you can take part in challenges and/or use a video ad that doesn’t look out of place in a user’s native feed.

You need to make the users feel like you’re a part of the community. You need to show that you’re not another brand that wants to use social media for exposure. Of course, that’s your goal, but you can be less upfront about it.

Ads and Videos Get the Full Attention of Users

Any content you publish on the app will get the full attention of its users on social media. Videos typically demand more attention since a person has to pause whatever they’re doing to see it. They have to focus on the screen, and then turn the volume up to complete the viewing experience. That’s why video marketing across all social media platforms works when you do it right. The same is true for TikTok Marketing, as one of the biggest advantages is that it’s all about creating videos. As such, users already have dedicated their attention to any content the moment they open up the app.

No matter what form of marketing you do in the app, you’ll generate some interest. You’ll generate even more if you become a true part of the community. There are lower chances of encountering passive users. In other platforms, users are more likely to skip or scroll past your post. They tend to scroll without thought through other apps, so they may not even notice your presence.

The Audience is Ready to Engage

Everyone who logs into TikTok is ready to have fun. They’re ready to watch some entertaining videos and attempts at challenges, look for a challenge to try for themselves, or create a fun video for followers.

They’re much more willing to interact with your brand because the platform provides many opportunities to do so. They can try your challenge if it looks interesting enough, or “collaborate” with you by making a duet. Using your hashtags is also enough traction for your marketing strategy to take off. In TikTok Marketing, there’s a strong likelihood to trend as well. Because users are logging in many times a day, they have a higher chance to see and interact with your videos. Even if you’re new to the platform and you have only a few followers, there’s a possibility to go viral if you do it right.

You’re Always Updated on the Trends

Trends can change in a day, which is not enough time for businesses to get in on the fun. Many times, brands try to stay relevant and fail because they were a few days late.

On TikTok, you’re at the forefront of the trends. All you have to do is log in for the day, and check the trending videos, hashtags, and challenges. The beauty of this app is that no one expects polished content to come from anyone. You do the trend and that’s it.

There’s no prep, no storylines to discuss, and no equipment to get ready. This allows you to push out content as soon as possible, letting you stay relevant.  You cut back on production costs, as well, since TikTok trends don’t usually involve props and the like. All you need is a phone and some willing staff members most of the time. You do the challenge and that’s it. You can now enjoy your view count.

Brands Look More Authentic in TikTok

Because of the low production value of your videos, your brand comes across as more authentic. The user base is more accepting of raw content than polished ones. That’s because the latter look like ads, and we know how users tend to resist when blasted with an ad.

It helps that the content you publish is similar to what the users do. It will be easier for them to relate to you this way, building trust between consumers and your brand. However, note that your TikTok account is still a part of your brand. Don’t try to do everything that’s trending even if it’s not in line with your brand personality. Instead of looking authentic, you might look like you’re trying too hard to be trendy.

You Can Take Advantage of User-Generated Content

TikTok gives you a lot of opportunities to create your own content, but you don’t even have to do that to reach a wide audience. Instead, you can take advantage of user-generated content.


Pro Tip: You can engage more with people by buying TikTok views, likes, and followers.


5 ways to work with the Marketing strategy for TikTok for Businesses

TikTok’s algorithm is made up of a complicated combination of factors, but its goal is simple: to show a user content they are most interested in based on previous engagement.

Here are just a few of the factors TikTok’s algorithm takes into consideration:

  • Content you like, share, comment on, re-watch, and complete
  • Hashtags and captions you engage with (or include in your own content)
  • Subject matter you search for
  • Trending audio on videos you engage with
  • Account settings like language preferences, device type, and posting location
  • Content you’ve marked as “not interested”

The reason it’s important to play into the algorithm is that you want to get your video content on the “For You” page, TikTok’s main discovery feature. Any creator’s goal is to get the TikTok algorithm to put their content on the For You page because it gets your videos in front of as many eyes as possible. Here are five ways successful TikTok creators hack the algorithm to get their content to blow up.

  1. Prioritize user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) can be any kind of content (in this case, videos) created by actual TikTok users and not brands. Prioritizing it is a useful strategy to quickly build audience loyalty. That’s because 56% of users feel closer to brands on TikTok that publish unpolished content featuring everyday people.

UGC is so popular because it feels authentic to viewers — it’s created by actual customers who love your brand and who want to highlight the value of your products without any sort of compensation. Generate UGC for your brand by encouraging customers to tag you in their social media posts. If you’ve created a branded hashtag for your business, be sure to check it for tagged content from users as well. Save content from users that you’d like to repost on your own profile. As you repost UGC, be sure to give credit to the original creator.

  1. Build relationships with influencers

Influencers are extremely popular on TikTok. About 25% of all content on TikTok features either a celebrity or influencer.

These content creators can generate a lot of buzz for your brand by sharing your products with their own audiences. This helps expand the reach of your marketing efforts and can give you an algorithmic boost by placing your products and services in front of more eyes.

If you’re a small business, you likely don’t have a massive budget to spend on TikTok influencer marketing, but you can focus on micro-influencers or those with a following of less than 10k. Micro-influencers are useful because they tend to have a dedicated following (and, therefore, high engagement) while being more affordable to contract with than major influencers.

The least expensive way to find influencers social media is to manually research people you want to work with. Look at competitor profiles and mine the comments on their videos for highly engaged users with their own following. These creators are likely to make great micro-influencers. Once you’ve identified 10–15 people you’d like to contract with, reach out to ask about their rates.

  1. Prioritize TikTok ads

Advertising on TikTok may just change the way you think about digital marketing. Research shows that UGC-focused ads on TikTok outperform other kinds of digital ad placements, including Facebook ads and more conventional digital ads like Google ads.

  1. Research trending audio

On TikTok, music and sounds have a tremendous impact on engagement and increase the chances of your content being seen. Just to prove it, here are a few key stats from recent studies conducted by MRC Data and Flamingo:

  • 67% of users want to see TikTok videos from brands that feature trending audio
  • 68% of users say trending audio helps them remember the brand better
  • 58% of users say they’re more likely to share an ad that features trending sounds
  • 62% say they’re curious to learn about the brand after watching a video with trending sounds

Needless to say, there’s a huge advantage to including trending audio in your videos. But since TikTok trends come and go every day, how can you find the most popular sounds? Here’s is an easy way to find trending audio:

You can also snag a sound directly from someone else’s video (so long as it’s licensed for TikTok).

  1. Track engagement with analytics

With your TikTok for Business account, you can track your account’s analytics to gain insight into the things your target audience enjoys seeing — and use it to refine your content. The biggest benefit to using these metrics is that it’ll take all the guesswork out of your TikTok marketing strategy.

TikTok’s in-app analytics are broken into four categories:

  1. Overview: Tracks engagement and follower count
  2. Content: Tracks your most popular videos
  3. Followers: Breaks down audience growth as well as audience demographics
  4. Live: Shows insights from Live videos

Global data points like hashtag views and the Discover tab let you also track trend performance over time. You’ll know if a trend is still relevant and worth creating content around. If “my coffee ritual” videos were really popular three months ago but rarely see any action now, you know that’s not a good idea to move forward with.

Pro Tip: You can engage more with people by buying TikTok views, likes, and followers.

How To Increase Brand Awareness On marketing strategy for TikTok?

Any TikTok account or TikTok content with a lesser number of TikTok Likes or views is harder to reach a broader range of audiences or to create a community of members. In that case, services like Buy TikTok Likes, comments, or views on our website will do the needful. Any TikTok user who comes across your TikTok account with more number of TikTok Likes will be attracted and triggered towards your content.

You need to create authentic and engaging content to increase the number of potential followers who will become your potential customers if they are interested in your account. That is why you need to buy TikTok Likes, views and comments services to gain more audience attention. Another reason for buying your TikTok Likes will increase your reach and engagement towards potential customers. The higher number of Likes will make your account go viral


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